New Year's Resolution


Once or twice each year in December, I *do* consider making a resolution. This is usually triggered by somebody else talking about their resolutions, causing me to wonder if I should come up with a resolution too. Then, following a full 20 to 30 seconds of consideration I still have no resolution and continue on with my life.

But in truth, I kind of have a problem with the whole New Year’s resolution thing. It’s not because I’m a pessimist, either… I really am not. (I am, however, a cynic. There’s a difference.)

People view the New Year as a "new beginning" and a "start fresh," ideas which are held symbolically in this date. Yet why people see such significance on this day is lost on me. The date has changed… but that happens every day. One day to the next, the world is more-or-less then same on Jan 1st as it was the day before.

Why do we wait until this one point in the year for reflection and self-improvement? Why do people believe one day is more of a "fresh" start than other day? Why is it that THIS one date change inspires people and leads them to try and change, to try and improve their own lives? Why do we only celebrate having resolutions for “this year” and on setting resolutions for “next year”? What about this month and next month?

Forget setting goals for the new year. Every *DAY* is a fresh start, a new beginning, a clean slate. Quit procrastinating if there are things you *know* you could or should be doing to improve your life, health, or happiness... start doing them TODAY. Instead of making excuses, saying “I’ll do that… starting in 12 days,” just start now.
Believing a specific day and time of the year is important because it marks a new beginning and a chance to change implies that the other 364 days *aren't*. We miss out and fail to see it that way, so we don’t think to set goals for ourselves and improve ourselves DAILY.

I don't have a problem with the resolution part of the "New Year's Resolution." And I'm not against it if people will only take one day a year to think about self-improvement... I could be wrong in that New Years doesn't take away the significance of each new day; maybe people wouldn't take ANY time for self-reflection and self improvement, if not for New Year's. If so, then the New Year’s Resolution is a boon to humanity, a virtue to society.

My problem? I'm just unable to relate to people holding special importance to New Year and the New Year's Resolution as a new beginning, a time to set out and improve yourself, and to take things on as if from a fresh start. While I, too, believe January 1st *is* a new beginning, a day for self-reflection, and a day to strive for self-improvement...  where my beliefs differ is—even though do I believe we all should take time to do those things on January 1st—I believe that January 2nd is a new beginning, a day for self-reflection, and a day to strive for self-improvement.  So is January 3rd. And for every day through to December 31st.
We should put the same amount of thought into self-reflection, the same amount of time into better our lives, see the same opportunities for change, and feel the same chance for a fresh start--all of it---the same EACH and every day.

So that’s why New Year’s Resolutions are lost on me. If I feel like I’ve been gaining a little weight, I start paying closer attention to my food and start eating healthier… instead of waiting until the 1st of the month or the 1st of the year, I make a conscious decision to start making changes now. If there is something I know I should be doing, for whatever reason, setting a goal on a certain date isn’t going to make the outcome more successful than making a decision to change right here and now.

So while I may not set myself any “New Year’s Resolutions,” it in no way means that I do not work to improve myself or my life. That’s something I’ve resolved to do a long time ago daily.

And it doesn’t stop me from wishing you a safe and happy New Year.


  1. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Maintain the decent content, added to my personal firefox feed.


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