
Showing posts from December 26, 2010

New Year's Resolution

   Once or twice each year in December, I *do* consider making a resolution. This is usually triggered by somebody else talking about their resolutions, causing me to wonder if I should come up with a resolution too. Then, following a full 20 to 30 seconds of consideration I still have no resolution and continue on with my life. But in truth, I kind of have a problem with the whole New Year’s resolution thing. It’s not because I’m a pessimist, either… I really am not. (I am, however, a cynic. There’s a difference.) People view the New Year as a "new beginning" and a "start fresh," ideas which are held symbolically in this date. Yet why people see such significance on this day is lost on me. The date has changed… but that happens every day. One day to the next, the world is more-or-less then same on Jan 1st as it was the day before. Why do we wait until this one point in the year for reflection and self-improvement? Why do people believe one day is more of a ...