What is the meaning of Y.I.T.B.O.S.?
Posted: 10-07-2007
If you've reached this page, you're probably looking for the meaning of the acronym Y.I.T.B.O.S., or YITBOS, and you hope the wonders of the internet and Google that you can find the answer.
Since you are searching for the meaning of YITBOS, that means one of two things:
- You are pledging to a Delta Sigma Phi chapter.
- You are the significant other or friend of a pledge or member of the Delta Sigma Phi fraternity.
If you want to understand the meaning of YITBOS, I will tell you a true story about an experience I had where the meaning of the word was revealed, publicly:
While I was an active and in college, I started dating a girl before I joined the fraternity who was as curious as I was--if not more--about the meaning of YITBOS while I was pledging. Once I was initiated and the meaning was revealed she tried very hard, for a very long time, to get me to reveal its meaning. We were still together about two years later and accompanied me to a Homecoming, our Fall formal. We paired up with a sorority and had a large alumni turnout from both groups.During the awards, ceremonies, and speeches following diner, an inebriated alumni---who was there celebrating his 10-year since graduating with some of the other members of his pledge class---gave a speech. During this speech, he said, "And brothers... we all know the meaning of the word YITBOS...." and, after a brief pause, he went on to say it. Over the microphone. The brothers, their guests, our alumni and their wives, the other sorority, their dates, and their alumni and their husbands---everybody---was watching and listening.
There was a marked and noticeable silence from nearly everyone... The brothers sat stunned, mouths agape, as we asked ourselves if he really just said---in front of everybody---what we thought he did. The numerous soft gasps from the guests who understood the significance of what they just heard were audible over the otherwise eerily quiet banquet hall. My girlfriend was those who gasped, and then turned to me with her hand covering her mouth and waited for my reaction.
I was a little hurt. The meaning all us who came before us--and who would follow--worked to learn was revealed, gratis. I expected the fallout to be bad, with everyone on campus finding out the meaning. But it didn't. It appeared to be quickly forgotten.
The response from my girlfriend surprised me: "That's it?! That was lame." While we keep the meaning secret from the uninitiated---well, with a few exceptions---when the meaning was revealed to those who did not have to journey in order to find it, the significance was lost. It was so insignificant that a month afterwards she already had forgotten what it stood for. This is a girl who had been begging me to tell her the meaning for over two years... and when she finally learned the answer, she was disappointed to find there was nothing special about it. (At least nothing special to her).
What you should know is that finding this answer to the question you seek is meaningless: it is the journey which leads you to the answer which gives it meaning... and the journey is entering the fraternal bonds of brotherhood in Delta Sigma Phi.
YITBOS is as acronym... a word formed from the initial letters of the several words in the name. Words by themselves are nothing... we are the ones who give words meaning. Love is meaningless---only an abstract concept---to someone who has never known it, yet it is infinitely more meaningful---perhaps the most meaningful thing in the universe---to somebody who has experienced it. Just how an inside joke isn't funny when explained to somebody who wasn't there, YITBOS isn't meaningful to those who have not completed the journey to earn it. Even though they understand the circumstances of the joke, it does not become humorous. To know the words which comprise YITBOS is nothing without the experiences which bond you with every brother of Delta Sigma Phi who has ever come before you, and bonds you to every brother who has yet to follow.
YITBOS is as acronym... a word formed from the initial letters of the several words in the name. Words by themselves are nothing... we are the ones who give words meaning. Love is meaningless---only an abstract concept---to someone who has never known it, yet it is infinitely more meaningful---perhaps the most meaningful thing in the universe---to somebody who has experienced it. Just how an inside joke isn't funny when explained to somebody who wasn't there, YITBOS isn't meaningful to those who have not completed the journey to earn it. Even though they understand the circumstances of the joke, it does not become humorous. To know the words which comprise YITBOS is nothing without the experiences which bond you with every brother of Delta Sigma Phi who has ever come before you, and bonds you to every brother who has yet to follow.
So what does YITBOS mean?
In short, nothing... and everything. It is an acronym. It is a noun, a verb, and an adjective. Its meaning and significance is entirely dependent on who you are asking. It means a lot... to me, and to thousands of others throughout the world. To me, it represents cherished and life-long friendships... countless great memories... experiences which helped me into becoming a better man, living a better life... it is a common thread which connects me to others with the same values and principles... and it is something which signifies to me that another has taken the same journey to the same end, even though it was in a different location, with different people, and unique experiences.
For many, it means the same things... and more. For some, it means something different... but I cannot speak for them there. Everyone's experiences are unique. YITBOS is a common thread we share which unites us.
If you are a friend or significant other of someone pledging or of a brother and want to learn the meaning:
What you should know is that even if you find it, the answer is meaningless: it is the journey which leads you to the answer that gives it meaning. Trust me when I say you will be disappointed if you find the answer. You'll forget it shortly after you learn it because it has no meaning or interest to you.
Instead, all you will have done is take away from the meaning that it DOES have for those who have journeyed to discover it. So please, don't take that away from them.
But rest assured, it isn't anything deeply exciting and you are not missing much.
To those of you who are currently pledging a Delta Sigma Phi chapter:
The journey is what gives it context. Just like doing a math assignment: the answer alone is not what is important, but you have to show how your reached that answer. When you show your work, there is no "eureka" moment when you reach the answer... it follows a logical flow and path, and give the original problem meaning.
The meaning of YITBOS is exactly the same. When you reach the answer, you'll say "Ah, that makes sense." It is not the result which is significant, it is the context which will give it meaning.
What I'm trying to tell you is: Don't focus on the destination and miss the journey. This is an experience which every brother I have ever spoken to looks back on as one of their favorite experiences and some of their best memories of the fraternity---myself included. Most of us would love to be able to do it all again, but this is something you can only do ONCE, so make the most out of it.
There is or der beneath the chaos...
For those still looking for a less cryptic and straight-forward answer:
The meaning of YITBOS is revealed only to initiated members of the Delta Sigma Phi fraternity. But why only to initiated members? It is not about elitism, like some people may contest. Just as with our other fraternity secrets--like all fraternities and sororities--they are exclusive to members, like their experiences going through the pledging process and initiation; it signifies the values and principles the fraternity was founded upon--which you share with each of your brothers---are not universal, nor common, and is it that fact which distinguishes us.
The reality is that most fraternities are not like in Animal House or how they are portrayed in media in movies and television: chronic drinkers, idiots, chauvinistic womanizers, perverts, ignorant jocks, requiring cruel and violent hazing in order to join, and other "frat-boy" stereotypes. Most exist without the majority of the campus knowing they existed. The negative stereotypes have, in fact, lead to fraternities being highly monitored and closely scrutinized... closer than other campus student organizations. There are minimum standards in GPA minimums--often higher than the campus all-men's average--as well as community service participation requirements. There are severe punishments for illegal house parties and underage drinking. Hazing of any form is seriously investigated by Universities and will often result in criminal charges. It has simply become too complicated and more work than the type of people in the negative stereotypes care to deal with so they often do not end up joining a greek organization.
This close level of supervision and regulation has lead to higher and higher standards for fraternities and, as such, for their membership. Not everyone meets the fraternity's standards for character and integrity, possesses the commitment necessary to complete the process, or does not share the same values and principles... we are a family who does get to choose who our brothers are. Being so, there is need of ways to distinguish and identify each other in order to acknowledge this distinction.
This close level of supervision and regulation has lead to higher and higher standards for fraternities and, as such, for their membership. Not everyone meets the fraternity's standards for character and integrity, possesses the commitment necessary to complete the process, or does not share the same values and principles... we are a family who does get to choose who our brothers are. Being so, there is need of ways to distinguish and identify each other in order to acknowledge this distinction.
These values and principles are not quickly, simply, and easily spoken or written down; nor can they be otherwise communicated through a handshake, a knock, a phrase, or a gesture... let alone can they be expressed through a single word.
Without these secrets, shared only by members, there would be no way that we could show the hospitality and welcoming that we give to brothers from other chapters who visit. We are able to welcome brothers from visiting chapters with open arms because we already *know* these people we haven't met. It is an ID card which cannot be forged or fake. It is this level of security which allows us to be comfortable allowing a visiting brother to crash on our couch for the night---which I have done myself---without fear because we know we would receive the same welcoming, should we find ourselves in their city.
(Minor tangent: Every semester, the Kansas City chapter will take their pledging members on a road trip to visit another chapter for the weekend, and they never visit the same chapter twice. They do this to show their new potential brothers this common thread we share, first hand, and learn the history of the fraternity and of other chapters. They visited our chapter while I was an active member and it was one of my most memorable experiences in the fraternity... it reminded me that I did not join a local fraternity, but a national one. I did not gain 40 brothers, but thousands. Even though we had just met these people, all of us felt like have known each other for a long time. If you ever have the chance, be sure to visit another chapter of your fraternity.)
...there is music beneath the noise.
Brother Insomniac
Epsilon Beta Chapter
If you're a DSP brother, active, alum, pledge:
Give a shout-out to your local chapter in the comments! If you want to share your own experiences, what YITBOS means to you--or anything other experiences, stories, or whatever else you'd like--feel free to leave a comment.
Transylvania University
ReplyDeleteBeta Mu Chapter!
I second that motion!
DeleteVery deep and very true.
ReplyDeleteIllinois State University
Epsilon Omega Chapter
I started my chapter at the University of Northern Colorado and have been asked this very question by Pledges and friends alike. I think your answer here is the best that I have ever heard. I plan on sending this to the chapter with the suggestion that they use it in Pledge ED. Well done.
ReplyDeleteZeta Kappa
UNC - Greeley CO.
Well done. I was curious with the power of the internet if someone had divulged or posted the meaning of Yitbos anywhere.
ReplyDeleteAfter I read your story I was appalled that someone who should know the meaning behind the words would so casually share it with the uninitiated.
The closest friends I have to this day are my Fraternity Brothers from my years in college. There is a bond we share that the uninitiated will never understand or appreciate. It would be like providing the chemical formula for Sodium Bicarbonate, aka Baking Soda. To someone who doesn't understand the meaning behind the letters, NaHCO 3, it appears as gibberish. When in reality...there is much more there...
Thank you for sharing this experience.
Eric "Fence" Post
Eta Beta, 1990
Yitbos my alumn!
DeleteGlad to see another bro from Eta Beta on here!
Great way of putting it brother!
ReplyDeleteYITBOS from Gamma Epsilon at San Jose State University.
Marco Henry Negrete- Current President and Founding Father
ReplyDeleteThiel College
ReplyDeleteSigma Chapter!
Pledging Delta Sigma Phi was the best experience I ever had, I became closer with my brothers than anyone else I have ever been friends with, these are bonds that go beyond the 4 (Or so) years you'll spend at college, these are your brothers who will do anything for you. I pledged in the Spring of 2010, and I love all my brothers. YITBOS!
ReplyDeleteDavid B.
Thiel College
Sigma Chapter
YITBOS Epsilon Pi Chapter
ReplyDeleteAwesome blog :D
Very eloquently put. Of course, there are those of us for whom YITBOS means a dead pledge (alcohol poisoning) and a lost charter, all in the name of being "1." Though part of me is saddened to know that I have to think hard to get YITBOS right, another part of me knows that it is a sign that the phrase is not universal. I'm glad your experience of Delta Sigs was a positive one. Mine (in the end) was not.
ReplyDeleteAll this to say, remember that there are chapters out there that DO stand for drunkenness, random sex, dangerous behavior, and lip-service to all the things for which Delta Sig does not stand. And there are brothers out there for whom Delta Sig was anything but a brotherhood. It's enough to make one trash The Gordian Knot...
YITBOS great write up man!
ReplyDeleteDelta Zeta Chapter
That was a good ass article. I jus got initiated this friday and sunday (informal then formal im sure u kno exactly what that means lol). the word does mean a shitload when u earn the right to kno wat it means. Im sure if someone had just told me it would not have had the same impact. I'm kinda upset that a brother would blatantly reveal its meaning to people who dont deserve to know tho
ReplyDeleteEta in the house!!! We go hard!!!
I have the unique benefit of being part of two chapters: Zeta Alpha @ NYIT where I pledged(gone but not forgotten) and Theta Gamma @ Stony Brook University where I am completing my second degree.
ReplyDeleteFantastic article.
If you are an active or pledge,
ReplyDeletemake the most of your college
years...what you do now will LAST a lifetime...
Zeta Sigma Chapter
shout out from new mexico state university
ReplyDeleteEta Chi chapter
great article on the importance of YITBOS to brothers, and how the journey is what instills the importance of the phrase to those who have walked that journey. i too had a nosie girlfriend while i pledged and once i found out i told her what i was told YITBOS meant per-intiation
YITBOS brothers and a merry Christmas and a happy new years
Stetson University
ReplyDeleteAlpha Kai Chapter!
I'm happy that you put this up, and that it is one of the first results in a google search. I am a proud member, founding father, and two time past president of the Theta Zeta Chapter at Colorado State University. No one will ever get the answer out of me about what it is, because it also means that much to me. Props for taking the time to put this up man!!
it feels great knowing that is a lot more meaning to the ones who go through the journey. great piece.
ReplyDeleteYITBOS !
Epsilon Beta
A journey, for one to go through with everything. What a journey that will always stay through to fight in the end with everything to know and have YITBOS
ReplyDeleteYours Truly,
David Phung
Woodbury University
Epsilon Pi Chapter
I appreciate you posting this up.
ReplyDeleteBut here's the real meaning ;)
Your Initiation Takes Balls Of Steel
-In Da Nile
Zeta Sigma Chapter/UCSD
Great posting! I remember the paddle, seeing the pyramids along the Nile, Hell week, panty raids, kidnapping a brother, while being a pledge, Sailor's Ball, Sailor's Punch,"little sisters,attacking the Sigma Nu house, and of course my Big Brother! Sure we partied in the 70's, but the ones that survived the initiation, could survive anything! When you become a brother you can travel across the USA and stay at any chapter after answering the secret question and the secret handshake. Y.I.T.B.O.S is a fraction of the whole experience, I got my first job from a Delta Sig. I put it on my resume! Gave me the "edge" You.Insignificant.Tiny.Ball.Of.Shit!
ReplyDeleteBalls to the Wall!
UCLA Class of 1977
Beta Gamma Chapter
"EL Repugio watches and waits"
Transy Beta Mu!!!!
ReplyDeleteStetson University
ReplyDeleteAlpha Chi chapter
Yitbos - Delta Zeta chapter, High Point Uiversity '03
ReplyDeleteYitbos from Gamma Tau -Eastern Michigan University.
ReplyDeleteWell said. Can't even count the number of times I wish I could do it all over again. We were kings while it lasted.
ReplyDeleteEpsilon Omega
Alpha Epsilon Pledge Class
Illinois State University
YITBOS from Beta Alpha chapter at Iowa State University
ReplyDeletePerfectly articulated and thoroughly explained.
ReplyDeleteDamn proud to be a Delta Sig!
Theta Mu '12
Delt Sig, loud and proud! Shout-out from the Beta Pi chapter!
Newly initiated and starting my journey, couldn't be prouder to be a Delta Sig! Loved this explanation
Alpha Rho
Makes me proud to be a delta sig. great explanation.
Iota Alpha
Georgia College & State University
Yell If The Beer's On Sale!
ReplyDeleteGamma Iota, never truer words spoken!
ReplyDeleteGreat read, thank you
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Alpha Delta Chapter
Awesome story!
ReplyDeleteWhen I came into college my first quarter I pledged DSP and made it all the way to the end but didn’t make it through before initiation. I was caught up in work school and honestly a lack of caring at the time. 3 years later after hanging out with that same fraternity watching it grow and change every quarter I decided to rush again this time initiating. Yitbos to me is a 3 year journey trying to find myself then another journey becoming a brother with some people i truly care about!
YITBOS my bros around the country
Eta Beta chapter
Excellent write up.
The University of Texas
ETA Chapter
Well done.
Beta Pi Chapter
Michigan Tech