Working Title

I've yet to come up with a decent idea for the title of this blog... "YITBOS" did not seem appropriate, as it says nothing of the content or theme of the blog or its posts... but what is the theme? 

I thought about something referencing the beginning of a new chapter or part of my life, but that seems a big grandiose or melodramatic. Unlike a story, the chapters of our life are only obvious in hindsight.... so I almost feel deceitful in making that claim. Not that I am lying, but that I don't know whether this is accurate and true, which, to me, making a claim or statement without knowing its validity is close enough to deceit. I do feel as though I may be on the precipice of something significant, but none of it may pan out. 

My initial reason, or central idea, is to blog about my experiences while working to obtain my Bachelor of Science in Information Technology through Kaplan University*, online, while still working a full time job. One thing I noticed, while researching online degree programs, was a lack of what I felt was reliable, independent, and unbiased first-hand accounts from students about their experience in the program. I know what it is like attending a traditional university, but how do online programs differ, aside from method of delivery? Online programs appear to be rising in popularity and in reputation, however, I failed to find very much about people's own experiences besides brief blurbs with questions of their authenticity. (I will cover how I came to decide on Kaplan University, even though I had have my apprehensions, in another post.) Seeing this, it is my intention that I might be able to provide one. 

Although this intends to be one of the cornerstones, I do not wish it to be the only aspect or theme of this blog, so I do not want an educational-centric title. A title referencing my life or journey would not be accurate as I do not intend to divulge any details of my social life.  

So as such, this blog is nameless. It is my hope that as this blog continues to take shape, a certain "theme" will develop and become apparent... maybe then, I will be able to come up with a good title which is also appropriate. Until then, this will be a Working Title. Any suggestions are welcome.

*: Apart from being enrolled as a full-time student, I have no affiliations with Kaplan, its associated, or its affiliated organizations and companies. I am being charged full tuition for every credit. I am paying for this through several different federal financial aid options, including subsidized and unsubsidized student loans, as well as some of it out of my own pocket. I am not paid or compensated in any way, shape, or form for the descriptions and opinions I provide within this blog... Kaplan University and all of it's respective associated products, services, copyrights, and trademarks are property of the Kaplan Higher Education Corporation, a division of Kaplan, Inc., a subsidiary of The Washington Post Company... Hopefully I just won't get sued for it, either. :P


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